Tova and Carlos teaching tango

Tango Lyrics in English

Spanish only:


I like to sing tangos, and I like to know what the lyrics mean. I recently did a Google search for "tango lyrics", and other than Planet Tango's lyrics page and Todotango, the rest of the results were Shakira Objection (Tango), Wango Tango, Tango by Lady Sovereign, Frank Zappa's Be-Bop Tango, Cell block tango from Chicago, and finally, the tango lyrics home page that I tend to use. So I felt there was a need.


I'll continue to assemble the list below, and hopefully it grows as I find more tango lyric sites. I'm not sure what is new about THIS page, but I wanted to put the songs that I like to sing in one place, along with translations I have found and my own translations. Especially, there is often a song that I hear at the milongas, I fall in love with it, and I cannot find it on any of the above pages, or maybe just one (like Ella Es Asi, or Encopao). Maybe you like the format of my pages better than another site, or maybe you like my translations, or maybe you find a song here that you couldn't find elsewhere. The point is: I don't really care; this page is basically for me!


When I translate from Spanish to English, I prefer to do so literally. I am about 68% fluent in Spanish (I know, it's weird, my name is Carlos Moreno and I don't speak Spanish perfectly, also, I do not like spicey foods) but more importantly, I'm a biologist, not a poet, so I don't pretend to add poetry. I just want to know what the words mean. I feel that there is value in seeing the words in a bare, literal translation, which gives the reader a glimpse into how the Spanish language is used to create the poetry. So rather than give you our version of the idiom in English, where possible I give you the literal Spanish, so you can see how those plain words come together to convey the meaning. This usually makes for clunky English prose, but again, the point is NOT to recite the thing aloud in English, but rather to grasp what the Spanish poetry is saying from the perspective of a student of Spanish.

For more poetic English translations, check out Jake Spatz' lyrics page, I love his stuff.

Tango Lyrics